Climber and Photographer


Pliers and Prairie Dogs

The Bird Conservancy of the Rockies seek to conserve birds and their habitats in the Rockies and beyond. I had the opportunity to attend one of their educational and bird banding sites Chatfield State Park whilst at World Ranger Congress.

They host a large number of educational groups and give people the opportunity to see birds in the hand and talk about related environmental issues whilst gathering valuable scientific data through bird ringing or banding. When bio-metric data is gathered about a bird and an individually identifying metal ring is fitted to the leg.


Yellow Warbler


Black-headed Grosbeak


Red-winged Blackbird


Barn Swallow

After the bird ringing demonstration we had the opportunity to travel around the local area in search of more wildlife.

Two of the highlights were a family of Black-tailed Prairie Dogs and some Yellow Headed Blackbirds. Click thumbnails for larger images.


Yellow-headed Blackbird


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